Reach the top of customer hit lists

The biggest need in online search is to be located quickly and easily by potential customers. Don't rely on your gut feeling, but on improving your online visibility. With the Yelnex platfom, you will always show up where the willing buyers are already looking for you.

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Googled, found, crowned with success! This is only possible with increased online presence

Secure your place in the far-reaching online network and deliver correct data to Google from over 120 authoritative online portals. This is the only way to ensure that your customers stay on your heels everywhere and can find you quickly.

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Intelligent platform and exclusive contact point for your online portals management

Everything you need, all in one place

Consistent and seamless company information in as many directories as possible: this is the key factor for an increased Google ranking. Your online presence with all important data and key figures bundled on a single platform.

Your Google Business Profile at your fingertips

It has never been so easy to keep an eye on your Google Business Profile entries and to and control them centrally via our smart online portal.

Realise your potential on Facebook

Be in the social media conversation and take control of your Reputation on Facebook.

Properly maintained SEO optimisation always pays off

With Yelnex Online Management, you can get your online data in line with all relevant directories, decide which content should be accessible to consumers and thus manage your digital performance.

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How do you manage to retain interested parties in the long term?

Using concrete figures, you can find out how well you have performed after a certain time with our online portals package and what advantages you have gained over the competition. How convincing were your efforts? Our software solution provides a detailed insight into your data and shows the need for optimisation.

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