There are good reasons to reach your destination with us

Single source of truth

Regularly maintain and update your company data in a single and familiar place

Customer Support

We provide excellent customer support with many years of know-how

Online Marketing Strategy

Proven strategies for online marketing with complete transparency

Better visibility on the internet

Impressive results after only a few months. It's all about your business

Firmly convinced of partnership-based business relationships

In order to provide our clients with the best possible services, we rely on efficient solutions in close cooperation with our global partners.

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Great output starts with data cleansing

Don't have the time and leisure to check your data for accuracy? You don't have to. With us, you start with clean and updated data. Yelnex's intelligent tool permanently removes annoying duplicates and all false entries.

Ready to be at the top?

Online performance makes itself felt! It doesn't take long for you to make your first breakthrough. Clicks, ratings, views etc. on Google, Facebook and other directories help you make a significant leap forward shortly after the profile is created.

Simple and easy

It could hardly be more time-saving. Machine-controlled, you can find out about the prospects for success of your locations even in the most remote place on earth. While the location managers take care of customer feedback, you navigate all developments around your brand from the main office.

Focus means:

Individual strategy concept

If you don't measure, how can you improve? That's why, in times of tough online competition, we focus on developing pragmatic plans for each individual brand based on realistic marketing aspirations.

Always up-to-date

Our platform's "Auto-Sync" feature will get rid of your worries. You can sit back and know that your company data is always up to date. Every change you make is transmitted to all directories and automatically synchronised. Ideal basis to be found by customers everywhere and at any time.

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